Your Train Journey….Life

I found this and loveddd it and what better way to welcome the New Year then to share it with all you wonderful amazing people…
(Unfortunately, I can’t take the credit but I also can’t tell you where it came from as I have no idea…)

Enjoyyy…Happy 1st January…

Life is like a journey on a train, with its stations, with changes of routes, and their accidents!

At birth we boarded the train and met our parents, and we believe that they will always travel on our side , but at some station they will get down leaving us in this journey alone… In the same way other people will board, and they will be significant: our siblings, friends, children and even the love of our life. Many will get down and leave a permanent vacuum.. Others go so unnoticed that we don’t even realize that they vacated their seats! 

This trip will be full of joy, some sorrows, fantasies, expectations , goodbyes and farewells. Success consists in having a good relationship with all passengers, give the best of ourselves. The great mystery to everyone is we do not know which station we will get down, so we must live in the best way, love, forgive, offer the best of ourselves … So, when the time comes to get down and leave our seat empty , we should leave beautiful memories for those who will continue their travel on the train of life!!

2 thoughts on “Your Train Journey….Life

  1. It is so true – tomorrow is never a given – so live in the present being the best version of ourselves is all we can hope for in order not to have regrets when the time comes to leave – a life lived well – this reminds me so much of my Dad’s life

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